Energy Independence for the People, By the People

Solar Security Net is a revolutionary take on energy development. By bringing power generation under the non-profit umbrella our organization will reinforce the future of America’s Social Security, but with the revenue generated from publicly owned renewable energy infrastructure.

Please watch our short introduction with Founder & CEO Benjamin Lee

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Our Missions

Eliminate residential energy bills in the United States

By being the first 501.c.3 non-profit in the energy production sector, Solar Security Net will bypass most common challenges in the solar development process. The energy from these publicly owned installations will go directly towards supporting the American People.

Close the hydrogen cost gap

Developing solar infrastructure with the express purpose of generating hydrogen fuel will quickly close the cost gap between grey and green hydrogen. Making green hydrogen cost competitive will increase its viability on the national energy stage, opening avenues to many new technologies.

Secure America’s energy independence

Developing integrated hydro-solar power stations to perfect energy generation at the municipal level will eliminate much of our nation’s reliance on foreign fossil fuels. This will be achieved by building hydrogen turbines in areas with the solar fields capable of cracking the necessary hydrogen fuel right on location.

Support Our Mission

Your support is much more than a financial contribution - it's about lending your voice to share our mission. Help us empower communities with sustainable energy solutions and energy independence.

Community First

Our first goal is to prioritize the needs of the community, providing zero cost solar to foster economic and environmental well-being for everyone, starting with economically disadvantaged areas.

Sustainable Impact

Offering a holistic and sustainable approach to energy development that aligns with the principles of environmental stewardship, community engagement, and social equity.

Energy Independence

We aim to provide sustainable and renewable infrastructure solutions that prioritize reducing financial burden while creating energy independence and economic prosperity.