Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs to understand more about zero cost solar energy and how you can benefit.

How will you determine who receives access to the zero cost energy first?

Energy generated will be categorized into two main distribution allotments. Host Region Allotment, and Economic Impact Allotment.

Host Region Allotment: This allotment of energy is reserved first, and is designated to residents belonging to the zip code in which the solar field is being constructed. This allotment is a strategic effort to accelerate the timeline of project development. Having community support for renewable energy projects is paramount for the following reasons:

  • Streamlined Permitting Process
  • Faster Interconnection Approval
  • Mitigated Legal Challenges
  • Efficient Construction Phase
  • Enhanced Public Relations

Economic Impact Allotment: This allotment is the main portion of our organizations charitable services. The remaining energy generated after the disbursement of the Host Region Allotment will be distributed in the following manner:

Using Transmission loss models, a radius will be established around each individual solar array to establish a service area which will provide the highest efficiency of resource distribution while minimizing energy loss through transmission.

Transmission loss, also known as line loss or electrical losses, refers to the dissipation of electrical energy as heat during the transmission of electricity through power lines and electrical infrastructure. It occurs due to several factors associated with the transmission and distribution of electricity over long distances.

After the service area is established, a priority order will be established based on the Median Household Income (MHI) of each zip code that resides within the pre-determined area. Energy will always be distributed in a bottom up manner as to have the greatest economic impact on disadvantaged and underserved populations.

Median household income is a measure that represents the midpoint of all household incomes in a specific geographic area, such as a city, state, or country. It divides the income distribution into two equal halves: one half with incomes above the median and the other half with incomes below the median.

As our organization’s net of renewable energy infrastructure continues to expand, additional zip codes will be added and authorized to claim energy from the area’s established Net Metering agreements.

This initiative is focused on serving our nation’s most economically disadvantaged populations first. However, as the self propagating potential of this program begins to accelerate, we believe resources will eventually reach a point where every residential energy bill in a given region can be negated.

What is net metering, and how can it be used to fulfill your charitable effect?

Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows electricity customers who generate their own renewable energy, such as solar power, to receive credit for the excess electricity they feed back into the grid. Under a net metering program, when a customer’s renewable energy system generates more electricity than they are using at any given time, the excess electricity is exported to the grid, and the customer receives a credit on their utility bill for the value of that exported electricity.

Virtual net metering (VNM) is a billing arrangement that allows multiple electricity customers to share the benefits of a single renewable energy system, such as a solar array, located on a single property. VNM enables customers who are unable to install renewable energy systems on their own properties—due to factors such as shading, space limitations, or property ownership—to receive credits on their utility bills for their share of the electricity generated by a shared renewable energy system located elsewhere.

Using these already existing models of Net Metering as a blueprint, Solar Security Net Inc intends to work closely with state legislators and local regulatory authorities to create the very first Charitable Purpose (CP) Net Metering Arrangements. These agreements would expand the amount of energy allowed to be metered by a specific field or entity, as long as the distribution was going towards serving a charitable purpose. These agreements would be reviewed and authorized on a case by case basis and have greater oversight than residential or community based Net Metering.

These agreements will not require local utility companies to suffer the revenue loss of the charitable service being provided. The energy being distributed will be calculated with a multiplier, ensuring that the participating utility company is able to sell the excess energy being deducted from the meter to cover their routine distribution costs and fees. Our goal is to create programs that are in the best interest of all parties involved, fostering better relationships between local communities and the companies that serve them.

These Charitable Purpose (CP) Net Metering Arrangements would fulfill our organizations charitable effect by the following process.

  • Energy generated from Solar Security Net fields will be fed into the grid, accruing a bank of stored energy belonging to a (CP) Net Metering Accoun
  • Residents with power bills belonging to zip codes within a fields service area apply to become members of Solar Security Net Inc.
  • These members are added to the (CP) Net Metering account, and authorized to have their further energy use deducted from the accounts total.

The lifespan of solar panels is only 25-30 years, what is the maintenance/replacement plan?

The lifespan of a solar array typically ranges from 25 to 30 years. However, many solar panels can continue to produce electricity beyond this timeframe, albeit at a reduced efficiency level. Several factors influence the lifespan of a solar array:

Panel Quality: The quality of the solar panels used in the array significantly impacts its lifespan. High-quality panels manufactured by reputable companies tend to have longer lifespans and better performance over time.

Component Durability: In addition to solar panels, other components of the system, such as inverters, racking systems, and wiring, also contribute to the overall lifespan. Durable and well-maintained components can extend the lifespan of the entire system.

Environmental Conditions: Environmental factors such as sunlight exposure, temperature fluctuations, humidity, and weather events can affect the degradation rate of solar panels. Installations in harsh environments may experience faster degradation and shorter lifespans.

Maintenance Practices: Regular maintenance, including cleaning, inspection, and repairs, can help prolong the lifespan of a solar array. Proper maintenance ensures that the system operates efficiently and mitigates potential issues that could shorten its lifespan.

To account for long term maintenance and replacement costs, Solar Security Net Inc will engage in a strategic investing program to maximize revenue potential from each field.

3-5% of each fields revenue will be allocated into long term investment portfolios. These portfolios will be managed by a professional investing firm (TBD) and consist of multiple investment avenues such as diversified stock market index funds or individual venture capital opportunities.

These investment funds will gradually compound annual returns into a large amount of accrued capital over the 25-30 year investment period. This pool of capital will then be drawn upon when the time arises to replace the degraded panels of each array. As long as these portfolios are properly managed this cycle can continue indefinitely, and even provide additional funding for the expansion of these fields into hydrogen production facilities.

How would eliminating residential energy bills impact the economy as a whole?

Eliminating residential energy bills entirely would have several potential effects on boosting the economy:

Increased Disposable Income: By eliminating energy bills, households would have more disposable income available for spending on other goods and services. This increased spending could stimulate economic activity across various sectors, including retail, leisure, and entertainment.

Consumer Confidence: Lower household expenses can increase consumer confidence and sentiment, leading to higher levels of consumer spending. Increased consumer confidence can have positive ripple effects throughout the economy, encouraging investment, hiring, and business expansion.

Poverty Alleviation: Lower-income households, which spend a larger proportion of their income on energy bills, would benefit significantly from the elimination of energy costs. This could help alleviate financial stress and reduce poverty rates, leading to improved overall well-being and economic stability.

Job Creation: The increased consumer spending resulting from lower energy bills could create demand for goods and services, leading to job creation and employment growth. Industries related to retail, hospitality, and leisure, in particular, may see increased demand and hiring.

Energy Efficiency Investments: With energy bills eliminated, households may have more incentive to invest in energy-efficient technologies and upgrades. This could lead to increased demand for energy-efficient products and services, fostering innovation and growth in the clean energy sector.

Environmental Benefits: Reduced energy consumption resulting from the elimination of energy bills could lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. This could have long-term economic benefits by mitigating the costs associated with climate change, such as extreme weather events, resource depletion, and health-related expenses.

What are the advantages of utility scale solar vs. residential solar?

Utility-scale solar tends to be more cost-efficient than residential solar for several reasons:

Economies of Scale: Utility-scale solar projects are typically larger in size compared to residential installations. This scale allows for bulk purchasing of materials, streamlined construction processes, and optimized operations and maintenance practices, resulting in lower costs per watt of installed capacity.

Standardization: Utility-scale solar projects often use standardized components and designs, which reduces engineering and design costs and allows for efficient project replication across multiple sites. In contrast, residential solar installations may require more customization to accommodate individual rooftops, shading conditions, and homeowner preferences, leading to higher design and installation costs.

Installation Costs: Utility-scale solar projects benefit from simplified installation processes, as they involve larger, ground-mounted solar arrays installed in open areas. In contrast, residential solar installations often require more complex rooftop mounting systems, wiring, and integration with existing structures, which can increase labor and installation costs.

Permitting and Regulatory Efficiency: Utility-scale solar projects may face fewer regulatory hurdles and permitting requirements compared to residential installations. Permitting processes for large-scale projects are often streamlined, and developers may have established relationships with regulatory agencies, reducing administrative burdens and delays. Residential solar projects, on the other hand, may encounter more stringent zoning regulations, homeowner association (HOA) restrictions, and permitting challenges, which can increase project costs and timelines.

Grid Connection and Interconnection: Utility-scale solar projects are often located near existing transmission infrastructure, facilitating grid connection and interconnection processes. This proximity reduces the need for costly grid upgrades and infrastructure investments, which can be required for residential solar installations located in remote or underserved areas.

Bulk Purchasing Power: Utility-scale solar developers benefit from the ability to negotiate favorable terms with equipment suppliers, contractors, and service providers due to their large purchasing volumes. This bulk purchasing power allows developers to secure lower prices for solar panels, inverters, mounting hardware, and other components, driving down overall project costs.

Why is localized energy production a more effective development strategy than our current centralized model?

Localized energy production, often referred to as distributed generation or decentralized energy, involves generating electricity closer to where it is consumed. Implementing localized energy production can offer several advantages and benefits compared to the centralized energy production model that is currently dominant in many regions. Here are some reasons why localized energy production is considered a more effective development strategy:

Resilience and Reliability: Localized energy production enhances grid resilience by reducing dependence on centralized power plants and long-distance transmission lines. Distributed energy resources can help maintain electricity supply during grid outages, natural disasters, or other emergencies, ensuring continuity of essential services and reducing vulnerability to disruptions. 

Energy Efficiency: Localized energy production can improve energy efficiency by reducing transmission losses associated with transporting electricity over long distances. Generating electricity closer to the point of consumption minimizes energy losses and enhances overall system efficiency.

Cost Savings: Distributed generation can lead to cost savings by reducing the need for costly transmission and distribution infrastructure upgrades and investments. By leveraging local renewable energy resources, communities can lower electricity bills, avoid peak demand charges, and reduce reliance on imported energy.

Environmental Benefits: Localized energy production promotes the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydrogen, which have lower carbon emissions and environmental impacts compared to fossil fuels. By transitioning to clean energy, communities can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and mitigate climate change.

Job Creation and Economic Development: Investing in localized energy production can stimulate local economic development and create jobs in the renewable energy sector. By supporting the growth of solar installers, wind technicians, and other green jobs, communities can foster economic growth, enhance workforce development, and support local businesses.

Flexibility and Innovation: Localized energy production offers greater flexibility and opportunities for innovation compared to centralized energy systems. Communities can adopt diverse energy solutions tailored to their unique needs, resources, and preferences, including microgrids, energy storage, demand response programs, and smart grid technologies.

Community Engagement and Empowerment: Localized energy production encourages community engagement and empowerment by involving residents in energy decision-making processes, promoting energy conservation and efficiency, and fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for local energy resources.

Scalability and Adaptability: Distributed generation can be scaled up or down more easily compared to large-scale centralized power plants. Communities can incrementally expand their renewable energy capacity, adapt to changing energy needs, and integrate new technologies and solutions over time.

Grid Support and Integration: Localized energy production can provide valuable grid support and services, such as voltage regulation, frequency control, and demand response, to enhance grid stability, reliability, and resilience. Distributed energy resources can complement and integrate with existing grid infrastructure to support a more dynamic and responsive energy system.

Equity and Accessibility: Localized energy production can increase energy equity and accessibility by providing access to affordable, reliable, and clean energy solutions for all community members, including low-income households and underserved communities. By prioritizing energy equity and inclusivity, communities can address energy poverty, reduce disparities, and promote social justice.

Localized energy production offers a holistic and sustainable approach to energy development that aligns with the principles of environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, community engagement, and social equity. By embracing decentralized energy solutions and transitioning towards a more localized and integrated energy system, communities can build resilient, efficient, and vibrant energy systems that meet their current and future needs while contributing to a more sustainable and equitable energy future.

Why is the development of solar so critical to increasing the nations supply of green hydrogen?

The relationship between solar development and green hydrogen production is closely intertwined, as solar energy serves as a key input for producing green hydrogen through a process called electrolysis. Here’s how solar development and green hydrogen production are connected:

Solar Power as Energy Input: Solar development involves the deployment of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to harness sunlight and convert it into electricity. This electricity can then be used as the primary energy input for electrolysis, the process of splitting water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2).

Electrolysis Powered by Solar Energy: In green hydrogen production, electrolyzers utilize electricity to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. When powered by electricity generated from solar PV systems, electrolysis becomes a renewable and environmentally friendly process, resulting in the production of green hydrogen.

Solar-Powered Electrolysis Systems: Solar-powered electrolysis systems consist of solar panels, inverters, and electrolyzers. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, which is then fed into the electrolyzer to drive the electrolysis reaction. These systems can be deployed at various scales, from small-scale installations to utility-scale projects.

Integration with Renewable Energy Grids: Solar development and green hydrogen production can be integrated with renewable energy grids to maximize the utilization of renewable energy resources. Excess solar energy generated during periods of high sunlight can be used to produce hydrogen through electrolysis, providing a means of energy storage and grid balancing.

Role in Decarbonization: Green hydrogen produced from solar energy plays a crucial role in decarbonizing various sectors of the economy, such as transportation, industry, and heating. By replacing fossil fuels with green hydrogen, solar-powered hydrogen production helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.

Synergies in Renewable Energy Deployment: Solar development and green hydrogen production complement each other in the transition to a low-carbon energy future. Investments in solar infrastructure contribute to the expansion of renewable energy capacity, while green hydrogen production provides a means of storing and utilizing surplus renewable energy, enhancing the overall sustainability and resilience of the energy system.

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