How It Works

The most efficient charity model in the world.

By introducing energy generation as an intermediate step in the charity process, Solar Security Net outperforms every charity that currently exists.

The average non-profit in the United States will contribute less than 65% of its total funding towards charitable activities.

Factoring for the estimated 25-30 year life span of a solar installation, our organization can take the same initial funding and contribute over 600% towards our charitable purposes.

Interested in more information? Read the full information packet here.

Resource Consolidation

Solar Security Net Inc Leverages it’s 501.c.3 status to consolidate funding from government grants, corporate sponsorships, and local crowd funding campaigns.

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Grants – Solar Security Net Inc will utilize full time grant writers to apply for Federal and State renewable energy programs. Our organization gives the government an avenue to take dollars already raised through taxes, and fund infrastructure that will go directly towards supporting the American people.

Corporate Sponsorships- Due to our organizations non-profit status, we can offer large businesses and corporations a way to double dip their marketing and social  responsibility budgets. Tax rebates and carbon credits will be negotiated for upfront investment capital, while any additional charitable contributions will be tax deductible under US tax code 501.c.3.

Crowd Funding – Local crowd funding campaigns will be used to raise the capital necessary for land acquisition, permitting, and site preparation. This approach to fundraising will be used to educate local communities about our programs, while also giving them an opportunity to get involved in the process.

Site Development

This funding is used to purchase suitable land and subcontract the construction of utility scale solar fields- Guiding the process from survey to grid tie.

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This portion of the process will look just like the construction of a for profit solar development project.

Solar Security Net Inc will act as fundraiser and land holder only. No Executive or Board Member will ever own any company that handles the construction of our fields.

All work will be contracted to local tradesmen/developers with a preference on veteran owned businesses.

Solar Security Net will act as an intermediary between the contracted companies and the local communities. Creating strong working relationships between all parties involved is a crucial element to our development strategy.

Program Management

Once Site construction is complete and fields are connected to the local power grid, the real magic of our programs unique design begins.

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The mission of Solar Security Net Inc is achieved by breaking down generated energy into two categories.

Revenue Generation– Half of the energy generated by our facilities will be sold and then rolled into the construction of additional development projects. Over time this strategy will snowball into a massive net of renewable energy infrastructure, allowing us to serve the largest portion of our nations citizens as possible. (see below for more)

Energy Distribution- The other half of energy will be banked with local power providers and made available for use by residents of surrounding communities. This category is where our organizations charitable effect is accomplished. (see below for more)

Revenue Generation

Half of the energy produced will be sold through Purchase Power Agreements. The revenue generated from the sale of this energy will be fed back into the organization and go towards the construction of additional solar fields throughout the state/country.

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A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a long-term contract between an energy buyer and seller that outlines the purchase and sale of energy. These contracts can be negotiated with power providers, universities, and nearby businesses.

Because of our unique development strategy, supporting one Solar Security Net project is also supporting every future project as well.

As our net expands so does the snowballing profit generation potential of this concept. We estimate that after our first 15 years of operation Solar Security Net will be the first ever self-contained non-profit entity, requiring no outside donations or support to continue its operations.

Energy Distribustion

The other half of the energy produced will be banked with local power providers through pre negotiated net metering programs. Local residents may then become members of our non-profit organization and use the energy banked from our fields to zero out their accrued energy usage.

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Energy distributed will be categorized into two main distribution allotments:

Host Region Allotment: This allotment of energy is reserved first, and is designated to residents belonging to the zip code in which the solar field is being constructed. This allotment is a strategic effort to accelerate the timeline of project development. Having community support for renewable energy projects is paramount for a smooth development process.

Economic Impact Allotment: This allotment is the main portion of our organizations charitable services. The remaining energy generated after the disbursement of the Host Region Allotment will be distributed in the following manner:

Using Transmission loss models, a radius will be established around each individual solar array to establish a service area which will provide the highest efficiency of resource distribution while minimizing energy loss through transmission.

After the service area is established, a priority order will be established based on the Median Household Income (MHI) of each zip code that resides within the pre-determined area. Energy will always be distributed in a bottom up manner as to have the greatest economic impact on disadvantaged and underserved populations.

Become a Part of the Solar Security Net

Help us bring sustainable energy to communities by getting involved with Solar Security Net. Become a sponsor today and make a tangible difference in providing zero cost energy nationwide. It's much more than a financial contribution - it's about lending your voice to share our mission.